FlatPress My FlatPress blog FlatPress Admin 2024 2024-10-27T08:07:05+00:00 Admin ~/ Businesses be prepared for the Brexit ~/?x=entry:entry190107-160708 2019-01-07T16:07:08+00:00 2019-01-07T16:07:08+00:00

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It is still unclear how the Brexit as per 29 March 2019 will be shaped. [Read More…]

Company formation | IR Global's members meeting ~/?x=entry:entry181018-213217 2018-10-18T21:32:17+00:00 2018-10-18T21:32:17+00:00

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ABiLiTieS Trust joined the IR Global Annual Conference in London as Company Formation specialist. [Read More…]

Company formation | Minimal Salary Requirements ~/?x=entry:entry181009-144055 2018-10-09T14:40:55+00:00 2018-10-09T14:40:55+00:00

Director ship services Netherlands.jpgA person that (in)directly holds shares in a Dutch company could qualify as a director and major shareholder (‘DMS’) and be bound to minimal salary requirements. [Read More…]

Directorship Services | The Netherlands Director’s Liability ~/?x=entry:entry181001-125850 2018-10-01T12:58:50+00:00 2018-10-01T12:58:50+00:00

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How to minimalise my director’s liability. [Read More…]

Tax Services | The Netherlands Budget Proposals 2019 ~/?x=entry:entry180927-141443 2018-09-27T14:14:43+00:00 2018-09-27T14:14:43+00:00

Tax Services Netherlands.jpgOn the third Tuesday of September the Dutch Government traditionally announces its budget proposals for the upcoming year. [Read More…]

Dutch company formation services | An extended first financial year ~/?x=entry:entry180918-112315 2018-09-18T11:23:15+00:00 2018-09-18T11:23:15+00:00

Extended financial year BV in Netherlands.jpgWhat is an “Accounting period” or “Financial year”?
An accounting period is the period over which the accounting books for a Dutch limited liability company (‘BV’), or any other type of legal entity, shall be prepared. [Read More…]

Company formation services | Pitfalls of company incorporation in the Netherlands ~/?x=entry:entry180910-201137 2018-09-10T20:11:37+00:00 2018-09-10T20:11:37+00:00

Incorporation-Pitfalls.jpgThe risks when incorporating a BV can be considered to be low. [Read More…]

ABiLiTieS Trust joins international network IR Global as Dutch company formation specialist ~/?x=entry:entry180604-122605 2018-06-04T12:26:05+00:00 2018-06-04T12:26:05+00:00

IR-Global_3-1-Rectangle-300x100-300x101.jpgABiLiTieS Trust is proud to announce that it has been selected for inclusion in IR Global. [Read More…]